MyTimetable maintenance

2 hours

The maintenance is now complete. Thanks for your patience.


The scheduled maintenance is now underway. We'll keep you updated on our progress.


We will be performing maintenance work on the MyTimetable hosting platform. During this maintenance window we will:

  • Install various operating system updates.
  • Upgrade our database servers to the latest software release.
  • Install Java security updates.

During these updates, your MyTimetable instance may be unavailable for about 20 minutes. Due to the database server upgrades this maintenance window is a little longer than usual. For all of these upgrades a rollback scenario is available that would not exceed our maintenance window.

Most of these updates have already been deployed and tested in the acceptance environments. The Java update will be released by Oracle on Tuesday and will then be installed to the acceptance environment. Since this only concerns a minor security release, we do not expect any issues with that update.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding this maintenance.

Began at:

Affected components
  • MyTimetable